2011年1月28日 星期五









I can honestly tell you from recent difficult personal experience...that although I believe that I love her, especially while remembering the good, close, and loving times obviously shared together...things in reality are not the same now. I thought that I would be able to keep loving my wife the same as before she cheated on me and left me for another man. I thought that I could forgive and basically forget. However, I have learned that I was wrong to some degree at least. I have found that I have a great difficulty trusting her and loving her the way that I need to be loving someone who is close to me. My love has changed. I do not know for sure whether or not it can be rebuilt to the point that our relationship will survive and be good...or not. I am sure it would not be the same as before at all. Before...we never had a single argument. Now, since she returned, we have had many. It is stressful, and I don't think got back together and tried again it's a good idea...things would only be worse than you would imagine. It will not work.......

