周汶錡自未婚夫Julien Lepeu偷嗒女新人張苡澂曝光後,一直未露面,前晚她原本會現身新片首映禮,可惜最後芳蹤杳然,未知是否想避風頭,不欲被傳媒追問感情事,反而不在嘉賓之列的張苡澂竟「神奇」現身,更揚言唔妥「好姊妹」七仙羽,然而在首映上卻毫不介意合照,擺明搶風頭。
問張苡澂何解出現?她表示:「係監製叫我嚟睇,佢平時好關照我,佢嘅戲我一定到,(知唔知周汶錡係嘉賓之一?撞到佢會唔會尷尬?)唔會,我同佢男友kiss就尷尬啫,但我冇吖嘛,我希望佢哋冇事,連累到人哋分手好大責任,好無辜!見到佢(指周汶錡)都會say hello!」
然而,張苡澂卻道出另一版本,指自己捲入是非之中,感到煩惱,更一度萌生跳海自殺之念,至於有否致電七仙羽,她表示:「我冇聽佢電話,我嬲佢,(姊妹情決裂?)我冇心情講。」她又怪責七仙羽介紹Julien Lepeu給她認識,她謂:「依家公司已經同我劃清界線,又畀fans鬧,好煩呀!」
只要記者報導的角度有稍微偏差,感覺就完全不同。 那天的首映,並非不請自到,怎可能不請自到?沒有票怎能進場?那張票是美亞娛樂的負責人唐慶枝先生給我的,有相為證,當時我和唐生合影,手上還拿著他給我的票。 現在的報導有些失控。 至於我的好友張苡澂仍是我的好友,根本沒決裂,我都不知道記者為何這樣寫!不相信的請看有線娛樂台6月24日的重播,當時我們還面對鏡頭有說有笑,張不是不妥我,只是責怪我當初將周汶錡的男友介紹給她。
因搭上周汶錡( Kathy)的法籍男友 Julien而大出風頭的女歌手張苡澂,前晚又孖住風水師好友七仙羽在尖沙嘴出席電影《矮仔多情》首映。藉緋聞上位的二人,被周麗淇暗寸黑心兼扮嘢,其實兩人前晚均不在嘉賓名單之列,反而周汶錡原本會出席,最終卻沒到。
After Kathy Chow (Man Kei)'s French fiance Julien Lepeu was caught kissing Music newcomer Venus Cheung out on the street corner, Kathy recently has been playing "disappear". Yesterday Venus and a friend who is a Fung Shui Master's girlfriend (七仙羽) were out walking the streets to relax, Venus's friend exposed that she heard from a friend that when Kathy knew about the incident, she and Julien got into a fight and broke up. She even said that Kathy is usually a "rotten peach" and is hard for her to get results from a relationship. Venus was just the "scapegoat"!
Venus and Julien "kissing incident" has caused her to have emotional affects and was not able to sleep. Yesterday Venus was seen on the streets with a friend, Reporters rushed to ask her questions regarding to the recent rumors with Julien. At first Venus was stunned, then she took the opportunity to clarify for herself, she said: "I appear really sweet with Julien? I pushed him away though, one friend said that I should have slapped him. But I am a girl who is civilized, if we won't be friends then we'll just keep in contact less, how could I hit someone? Also, he's not even my boyfriend."
Venus is being wrongly accused
Because of this incident, Kathy and Julien broke up, ending their 4 year relationship. Venus is said to be the culprit of the incident, she said in a tone like people wrongly accused her: "The world is just too horrifying! If because of me they broke up, then I really can't get through my conscience. But also allowing Kathy to see who this person really is, is a good thing. I hope that she would be able to find a boyfriend who could love her, sharing true love, not the relationship where you're always afraid. (Are you afraid to be said third party [wu lei jing]?) Ah! It sounds like I'm trying to steal someone's boyfriend. If we are really dating then yeah, but that is not true, I'm innocent." But, Venus expressed that she's not worried to bump into Kathy, in fact, she would generously greet her: "I didn't offend her, I didn't steal her boyfriend. (Maybe Julien explained to Kathy that you were the one who started the kiss?) I don't deny that someone could say that, but if it was me who did it, I wouldn't have pushed him away." Venus frankly said that even if she was single, she would not accept him.
Venus laughed and said that her friend is actually the culprit because she's the one who introduced Julien to her. The friend said: "I am actually the person at wrong! I asked Julien if he had a model girlfriend, he said that he and Kathy was not stabled. One time, they broke up for a year and then reconciled, very unhappy."
The friend also said that Julien and her are good friends. She also helped him looked at his fortune and hand fortune. The results show that his personality is very playboy. Speaking of Kathy and Julien's break up, Venus's friend said: "If there wasn't Venus, they probably would have broken up long ago because they're character does not match. Kathy and Julien have many peach blossoms, Kathy and I really want to get marry, we do have many peach blossoms, but it's all rotten. There will be no results, there will be many problems. Venus who was next to her said: "I was just their scapegoat."
Recently Kathy has not revealed herself yet, Reporters called Kathy and her assistant, but there was no one who picked up the phone or replied. As Kathy's ex-manager said that she felt that the two's break up was sudden, and said that there has been less contact with Kathy due to less collaborations.